Armani van Overis Z
sex: |
stallion |
colour: |
dark bay |
studbook: |
Zangersheide |
Air Jordan |
Argentinus |
Argentan I |
Dorle |
Mandoline |
Matador |
Winzerin |
Daphne Z |
Darco |
Lugano van la Roche |
Ocoucha |
Quivive van Overis |
Landetto |
Bellefleur |
General info
Approved for Zangersheide and SF
5yr old:
Winner Z-Festival
Finalist World Championships for young horses
Winner stallion competition Mechelen*****
6 yr old:
Winner Z-Festival
Finalist World Championships for young horses
7 yr old:
Vice Champion of France
Winner GP for 7 yr olds Lons Le Saunier***
Winner 7 yr old class Mācon**
7th place GP for 7 and 8 yr olds GCT Wiesbaden*****
8 yr old:
Winner GP Challans**
Winner GP Mans
Armani in GP for 7 and 8 yr olds GCT Wiesbaden*****
Sold to: Haras de Clarbec
Country: France